Marin County, California...
Land of decadence & diversity. Where shiny herds of Mercedes and Porsches roam in huge packs twice a day. Where elaborate landscaping soaks under seasonal rains, and bakes with regular droughts, eventually washing away to fill in the bay. Where local inhabitants parade around in colorful native costume, on ritual shopping trips and forays into the wild, untamed malls. A place like no other, and heaven for a cartoonist!
At the time I wrote this in 1985, I had lived in Marin for 15 years (now over 50), and had reached only one solid conclusion: the people here take themselves WAY too seriously! Thus, under the ambitious assumption that laughter is the lubricant for the soul, I attempted to expose the follies and foibles of these fine folks, and to awaken all of them to the fact that yes, there IS life after Yoga class.
Bobo Briones is an innocent observer of the three-ring circus of materialism that parades all around him every day; an ambulatory anthropologist seeking to understand his fellow human beings. This erstwhile comic strip ran continuously in the weekly Bolinas newspaper, The Coastal Post, for over 10 years, from 1984 to 1994. In his fullest adventures, Bobo would travel to every corner of this beautiful area, to bask in the natural splendor of one of the truly unique places on the planet.
— Don Mayne, 2022
From "A Field Guide to Marin County" (1985)
August-December 1984

January-April 1985

May-August 1985

From "Paradise For Sale" (1986)
August 1985 - January 1986

January - April 1986

May - October 1986

From "A Bum & His Dog" (1988)
November 1986 - April 1987

May - October 1987

November 1987 - March 1988